[C++ Academia] Conference Proposal

Chuck Allison chuck.allison at gmail.com
Thu Jul 12 22:09:03 PDT 2018

I presented a few times at OOPSLA. I don't feel it's relevant for me anymore, and I really don't hear much about it these days. 
I do like the idea of having a conference associated with ACM. That's what CCSC does at a regional level (I have presented there many times over the last 15 years). For me personally, the idea of an academic conference that focuses on teaching as well as other interesting issues related to software development and programming languages is very appealing. CCSC does that, but it lacks relevance to and connection with industry. So either I like the idea of beefing up the academic component of Cppcon, or having another conference which is more welcoming to academics and yet still keeps the connection to industry. I live in both worlds, and I think there are many like me.
Chuck Allison

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-------- Original message --------From: Jon Kalb <jon at kalbweb.com> Date: 7/12/18  7:56 PM  (GMT-07:00) To: Hartmut Kaiser <hartmut.kaiser at gmail.com> Cc: cppac at lists.cpp.ac Subject: Re: [C++ Academia] Conference Proposal 

Is OOPSLA focused on what its name says (OOP)? It looks to me like cutting edge never uses “virtual.” I don’t really know what OOPSLA is doing or what academic research is going on related to C++. Please help me learn.

Do you know how to go about setting up an affiliation with ACM or IEEE?

I assume you did that for BoostCon, right?

On 2018-07-12, 6:30 PM, "Hartmut Kaiser" <hartmut.kaiser at gmail.com> wrote:

    Thanks for spearheading this! I think an academic C++ conference would fill a 
    gaping hole in the landscape of scientific conferences.
    Two things come to mind right away:
    We should coordinate/look at/distinguish ourselves from OOPSLA, a leading 
    conference on language design and related topics.
    A centerpiece for an academic conference is to provide a publication platform 
    (at least conference proceedings, better yet and in addition to the 
    proceedings - a special topics journals, possibly for a selected amount of 
    (best) papers only. The easiest way to organize proceedings etc. would be by 
    associating the conference with ACM or IEEE.
    Regards Hartmut
    > -----Original Message-----
    > From: CppAc <cppac-bounces at lists.cpp.ac> On Behalf Of Jon Kalb
    > Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2018 5:39 PM
    > To: cppac at lists.cpp.ac
    > Subject: [C++ Academia] Conference Proposal
    > Thank you all for introducing yourselves.
    > I chair the C++Now and CppCon conferences as well as the Silicon Valley
    > Code Camp C++ Track. I also chair the Boost Steering Committee and am a
    > founding board member of the C++ Alliance and I starting this mailing list
    > and the website that hosts it.
    > I'm also a freelance onsite trainer for C++. This is the job at which I
    > support myself.
    > I want to share with you why I started this mailing list. It might seem
    > obvious that I want to facilitate discussion among academics interested in
    > C++. That is true, but I have three-point agenda. I feel like the first
    > point is a prerequisite to successfully achieving the second and third:
    > 1. Create a forum for academics interested in C++ to engage with each
    > other
    > 2. Fund the development and distribution of a set of curriculum guides for
    > use by instructors that are using C++ in colligate instruction
    > 3. Create an academic conference on C++
    > With the creation of https://cpp.ac and this list, I'm one down and the
    > two most difficult ones to go.
    > Right now, I'd like to kick off discussion of the creation of an academic
    > conference with a document that I've created here:
    >                 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1POhpABMQe_2Odg9lKUt-
    > LFce4DfXmrDMcE6UBPTXj_Y/edit?usp=sharing
    > I'm interested in hearing your questions and comment or if you'd be
    > willing to participate or volunteer to help in this effort.
    > Thanks.
    > Jon

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