[C++ Academia] Conference Proposal

Jon Kalb jon at kalbweb.com
Thu Jul 12 18:56:02 PDT 2018

Is OOPSLA focused on what its name says (OOP)? It looks to me like cutting edge never uses “virtual.” I don’t really know what OOPSLA is doing or what academic research is going on related to C++. Please help me learn.

Do you know how to go about setting up an affiliation with ACM or IEEE?

I assume you did that for BoostCon, right?

On 2018-07-12, 6:30 PM, "Hartmut Kaiser" <hartmut.kaiser at gmail.com> wrote:

    Thanks for spearheading this! I think an academic C++ conference would fill a 
    gaping hole in the landscape of scientific conferences.
    Two things come to mind right away:
    We should coordinate/look at/distinguish ourselves from OOPSLA, a leading 
    conference on language design and related topics.
    A centerpiece for an academic conference is to provide a publication platform 
    (at least conference proceedings, better yet and in addition to the 
    proceedings - a special topics journals, possibly for a selected amount of 
    (best) papers only. The easiest way to organize proceedings etc. would be by 
    associating the conference with ACM or IEEE.
    Regards Hartmut
    > -----Original Message-----
    > From: CppAc <cppac-bounces at lists.cpp.ac> On Behalf Of Jon Kalb
    > Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2018 5:39 PM
    > To: cppac at lists.cpp.ac
    > Subject: [C++ Academia] Conference Proposal
    > Thank you all for introducing yourselves.
    > I chair the C++Now and CppCon conferences as well as the Silicon Valley
    > Code Camp C++ Track. I also chair the Boost Steering Committee and am a
    > founding board member of the C++ Alliance and I starting this mailing list
    > and the website that hosts it.
    > I'm also a freelance onsite trainer for C++. This is the job at which I
    > support myself.
    > I want to share with you why I started this mailing list. It might seem
    > obvious that I want to facilitate discussion among academics interested in
    > C++. That is true, but I have three-point agenda. I feel like the first
    > point is a prerequisite to successfully achieving the second and third:
    > 1. Create a forum for academics interested in C++ to engage with each
    > other
    > 2. Fund the development and distribution of a set of curriculum guides for
    > use by instructors that are using C++ in colligate instruction
    > 3. Create an academic conference on C++
    > With the creation of https://cpp.ac and this list, I'm one down and the
    > two most difficult ones to go.
    > Right now, I'd like to kick off discussion of the creation of an academic
    > conference with a document that I've created here:
    >                 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1POhpABMQe_2Odg9lKUt-
    > LFce4DfXmrDMcE6UBPTXj_Y/edit?usp=sharing
    > I'm interested in hearing your questions and comment or if you'd be
    > willing to participate or volunteer to help in this effort.
    > Thanks.
    > Jon

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